Saturday, April 09, 2011

Let's see if she has anything interesting to say folks...

Since every single time something funny happens I still find myself writing about it in my head... I figured I might as well write it here.

Still living in America. Looks like I might be the first generation to permanently move back here since my Grandfather. Way back when someone in my gene pool jumped over the pond from somewhere in Europe - rumored to be Scotland and Ireland and eventually came to the States and some to Canada and now my family is split betwixt. And I spend so much time going back and forth and forth and back that I still feel split betwixt.

This is a good pairing of cultures since I can now benefit from both Thanksgivings and preferred taxation.

I went on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History last week. I had the flu - well I was through the worst of it but then I sat in the back of the imagined not a good plan. I spent 3 hours in between dizzy spells and feeling nauseous - mix in the odd dinosaur skeleton and 5,000 hyperactive children and that pretty much sums up my day. Seriously, who decides this shit is fun. Next year I'm going to suggest a field trip where the adults can drink. It's only fair. Children like to see how shit is made right? Why not wine? That's what I say.

I'm going to make sure I start researching this right away... :-D


elizabeth said...

I've just realized I ALWAYS post when I've been sick... but I guess when you have two little people someone always is.

janet h said...

lol i like your sense of humor and sarcasm in your post! anyways keep posting! i'll def keep reading :) take care!

Slyde said...

wait, you were in NY and you didnt let me know?

for shame.......

badgerdaddy said...

Wait, your ancestors were in the British Isles and you didn't let me know? For shame, for shame!!

elizabeth said...

Janet- welcome! New people get cyber hugs (o) I think that's what that is? Or is it something rude? Well in any event sposed to be a hug

Slyde- dude NYC is big dude. I kept asking people if they knew you but the only one who said yes was the guy in the subway dressed like Elmo (think it was Earl...) and he wouldn't give me directions

Badger- I know right. I want to be on that show who do you think you are. You might be my cousin. It could happen. I think we both likely descend from heathens.