Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where did I leave my brain?

Last night was a true and wonderish drunken Irish Day celebration filled with - swinging (was she special?!), floor kaisers (on sale now) and among other nefarious activities; drinking. The last of which I know will confuse you some - or at lease some of you. Did I lose you there? My head hurts...where was I when I so rudely interrupted myself?

Sniper Kitty and I, her fella in tow, traversed to the wondrously cold and windy city of - Toronto last night. This great expedition came about in an endeavour to meet our blog friends; Green Fish and Moxy. Since we had pretty much deified them ages ago; we looked forward to this night with great anticipation; would they live up to our impossibly high standards .... or leave us with nothing but a Christmas walnut, a frown and some vague promises? We board a bus with great expectations...

Upon arriving at the pub - McVeighs - we stood in a wee line. We stood in said "wee line" for two (yes 2) hours waiting to get in... where they keep the BEER. I ended up sneaking in about 20 minutes before my friends because I am evil (and...there was beer!). It is a long story involving a flashing of the shamrocks... Once inside I was amazed at how many of these Torontonians wanted to befriend me! Such a jovial group. Now, it could be said that these offers of friendship were because of my strategically placed shamrock and the fact that these people had been drinking since oh - ach - 11:00 am. I think perchance it was the latter... also it got around quickly that we were "bloggers" which we ALL know is really just code for "swingers". Lascivious minds you know.

A little ways into the night I hear, "Liz. Liz!" I look up and (- click the link and let the music play while you continue to read -you may have to open another tab--- picture smiles and hugs all in slow motion.) "Moxy?!" *swings Moxy in the air*... "Fish? could it be?" *cheezy smiles and high fives in slow motion* Then over beer and chips we bonded and sealed what is the beginnings of a very long and rewarding friendship based on beer, twisted humour and walnuts (right Kath?).

Part way through the evening a band comes in to play traditional Irish music; low and behold it is ANGUS THRIPSHAW in the flesh. Not only was he odiferous redolent of unwashed socks, sausage, onions and dog shite - but he was everything else we hoped he would be! I love that man. Angus was a star - had no idea he was so prolific a fiddle player. So full of surprises is our stinky toothless friend!

The night went on much like a feel good movie. An arseload of laughing that ended in a drunken stumble out of the bar where upon we return to the abode of the Fish and the Moxy and collapse into heaps of drunken flibbertigibbets until around 5 am where the booze finally overcame our weary minds and we slept. (That was not a run on sentence at all.) Three hours later we awoke feeling refreshed and chipper... right? and went to investigate the smells of Lebanon and to eat and drink copious amounts of coffee.

There were moments of porcelain god worship and big plans of future ridiculousness involving a cheese goatee and something about making a movie about the Church of Scientology. I think we need to further this discussion.

All in all I have to say; two of the nicest most incredibly likable people I have ever met. Moxy is just as you might imagine only more adorable (if you can believe that) and Fish is going to be famous for something one day - no doubt about it. Before you ask - no - we will not share them. They are ours.

I have no doubt this is the start of a long and flagitious friendship filled with debauchery and exorbitant amounts of laughter; cheers to the Queen of shoes and her lad.


Kat said...

well said walnut head. Do you sing if I crack you open? Ok...sounded way worse than I expected.
So...3 hours of sleep and somehow I'm still functioning and now that I mention it I am proud to say was the most functional person out of the sorry lot a yas. Apparently 3 drunken hours of sleep is my number. Here I always thought I needed atleast 7. Bah.

am i still here?

Cornelius T. Fish said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww.......shucks. That was more fun than you would reasonably expect to fit into a hollowed out pigs head. It was one left over Christmas walnut away from bash of the year. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious...the more u meet strange species the more rocking life would be as u would come in contact with incredibles...seems u r still drooling over the fun u had last night...if u wanna check some cool and good stuffs on friendship...have a look at my wishes :)

Slyde said...

wow, that sounds like a fun time....

more fun that i had, anyway.. i sat home and played with my WII (that sounds dirty)...

Moxy Ness said...

Liz, you have the best memory I know, for a drunk person!
We went back into "Little Lebanon" after breaky and I had to wait outside while Green Fish decided if he should buy more kielbasa and floor kaisers. The wonderful smell of leaking gas and rotten bok choy was less then inviting...
My throat still hurts from the was a great night spent with even greater people!

elizabeth said...

Kat - 7 hours!? Sacre Bleu!

Green Fish - Bash of the year is in the works. Next time we bring you and the foxy moxy down here for sock throwing and such...

Robert - may I call you patrick?

Slyde - next time I think you guys should come. Not too far hey?

Moxy - my drunken memory is unsurpassed. LOL. What IS that with the gas smell? Verra strunge. I hear you about the laughter, my belly is still sore. I think yours was a combination of the "hot snauseges" and giggles.