Friday, February 23, 2007


A few years ago, Carrie and I went to Canada's Wonderland. The night before some of our group were stupid enough - knowing we had to go on roller coasters the next day - to get really really hammered. The next day Carrie felt so bad that she didn't want to go anymore - but I was so excited that she felt guilty so we packed into the car (good friend). I then proceeded to make her go on every single roller coaster in the park.

After one particularly insane roller coaster, Carrie feels like she is going to be sick. I go with her behind this little building into this little area surrounded by trees. Carrie crouches down taking the "I'm going to hurl" stance and I assume the look out post. Then from behind me I hear Carrie yell "STOP LOOKING AT ME!", I turn and yell "I'm not looking at you!". Carrie whimpers, "Not you. Him." and points to a frog who is directly in front of her staring her in the face. I nearly peed my pants laughing. It was such a ridiculous vision.

Speaking of odd places to find a frog...another reason to wash your salad.


Anonymous said...

Well, it certainly looks fresco, but not so lavado.

Kat said...

but why is it still alive? I'm not buyin' it.

really. I would never buy spinach a la frog.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth....such a good friend you are-- the frog, not so much.

Your new blog crush,

Cornelius T. Fish said...

I puked in a taxi a few months ago. I don't know if there was anyone looking at me, but I'm pretty sure frogs were involved.

elizabeth said...

joe - or maybe too lavado

kat - I've rolled that around my brain and I think it IS possible...I'd totally buy it. Then I'd invite my ex inlaws for dinner. *smirk*

jeff - your anonymity is disconcerting...all things considered though, I think that the frog was just trying to help, LOL.

Carrie - I'm NOT

Fish - did you ever see that movie "Dr T and the Women"? It has a scene in it with some inexplicable frogs - oodles of them. Very strange indeed.