Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It has taken over my life... lol.

This is my place to go, that is always my own. I use it to vent, to laugh and yes, even to feel loved. It is a very important place for me. You are all very important to me. So, to you - all of you - I say thank you from the bottom of my heart; Thank you for coming here everyday and listening to all of my ramblings. This blog was here years ago through my divorce - from beginning to end - most of you without knowing it was happening because this was my escape... but more than once it provided a smile when my face was literally starving for them. This blog and you, my blogdom, have also been here to witness the past year, where I found my Spartan... and you have all helped me to get through the missing him and the looking forward to seeing him. I love being able to share my joy. Even after an entire year - it still feels like a dream. You have all been happy and excited for me - and it means the world to me. It really does.

Just thought I'd let you know. You are all very much appreciated and though I have met very few of you, are all considered friends.

Now...seeing as how I just waxed away a good portion of my eyebrow... I'm off in search of an eyeliner to disguise it before I venture out to be a soccer mom for what feels like the umpteenth time this week...

Have a wonderful morning/evening/night - wherever these words find you in the world...


Suzi Q said...

I feel that same way as you, those who leave comments are dear friends, even though I've never met them. I never thought I would like blogging, I started one for something to do at work while it was slow, but it's amazing! Everday I'm amazed at the people who leave comments and that they care what I have to say! Keep it up, I love coming to see what's new.

Anonymous said...

Aw, we love you too!

Verdant Earl said...

To be serious for a moment...I feel the same way.

Slyde and I actually make fun of each other for blogging and commenting as much as we do (he does it more), but it's actually a really pleasure. And I do think of y'all as friends.

Back to the real Earl...your tits look fabulous in your meez pic. ;)

Tamara said...

Awww... I'm all warm and fuzzy now. Better go kill a client to make up for that momentary lapse.

XXYXX said...

Well as the adorable twin of my golden Hullaballoo, it's been a special pleasure to meet you, and to share in our joint happy-ever-afters.

Our blogs do become are journals. I'm tempted to look back at yours through to 2005 ... but if you care to summarise it for us johnny-come latelys, that would be a service!

sprinkle4 said...

Darnit! Where did all those tissues go?!? You know, sometimes, with me, it seems like the people in blogland know me better than the people I talk to face to face every day. (And most of the time they're a whole lot nicer!)

I'm not so much in the eloquence department these days but I do want to say that I consider you to be a friend as well. Even though I don't drink, if we met in person I might well be tempted to do some tequila shots and end up in a tattoo parlor in Mexico. You haven't done that already have you? LMAO

Thank you for your words:) Blessings on you and yours!

white rabbit said...

Perhaps you should found Bloggers Anonymous...

'I'm Elizabeth and I'm a blogaholic'.
