Monday, April 24, 2006

The Cat That Shat... our sink - when he was pissed off at his Mommy(that would be Carrie). He did - he would just leave a shit right there in the sink in as much as to say - TADA! This is what I think of you. This cat was seriously not normal and everyone knows how unusual my animals are so when I say not normal... I really mean it. This cat would pee on Carrie's pillow every chance he got and then just sit and wait until she figured it out before he ran away. Ever hear a cat laughing? Once he was out on the balcony and jumped up onto the wall - my roomate ran outside and he looked at her blinked and let go of the wall. He then fell three stories onto concrete. She flew down there and flung the door open - at that point he came to and jumped up and launched headfirst into the glass door knocking himself silly. Don't think he really survivied that - the cat thereafter had a very "pet cemetery" feel about him. So long story short - this "pet" was eventually sent to live on a farm since he was demonic. He actually clawed his way into the trailer and......... shit in the sink. Isn't that a committed little fellow - thought I. The farmer shot him. Boo farmer. Poor Caleb.
(Incidentally - this was not the same cat we dyed purple.)


Elizabeth McClung said...

Dyed purple...tell me more. Your cats sound like the reason pet therapist were created - though I notice all the blame here is on the random acts of the cats and you are completely innocent - are you sure there wasn't some sort of pissing war going on?

When I went to stay with my slightly odd and alcoholic aunt I was attracted to her cat who had come back from the dead, literally. Died in an operation and came back 4 minutes later. Since at the time I was awake from 2 pm to 4 am and didn't use lights in order not to wake my aunt - we had a lot of co-lurking in the darkness time.

elizabeth said...

Ah... perhaps where the training for evilness began....