Saturday, February 09, 2008

7 positive things...

Tagged by the kitty kat. In no particular order...

1. Spartan. (I know this will just shock ya'll to bits! :-P) He is just the greatest person I have ever known and I am lucky enough to be in love and be loved by him. I couldn't have imagined being so happy with another person. I truly never thought it was possible to love, trust, respect and admire someone as I do him. Suddenly life seems too short and everything is more beautiful. He is really my angel and I am very grateful every single day for his presence in my life.

2. My friends. I have some amazing friends whom I have been lucky enough to have had for a really long time. They are more family than friends to me. I love and cherish them all for what they have brought into my life. Each of them is unique and each of them has so many gifts to share. It is amazing to watch them make their way through life, get married, have children, suffer through painful times with dignity and accomplish new things. I learn from them every day.

3. My family. From my children, parents, brother, grandparents and extended family. I love them all. I am truly blessed. They bring a smile to my heart each and every single day. I couldn't imagine a world without them in it. My children are beautiful, healthy, funny and loving. My mother is more than just a mother, she is a dear friend. My dad and I still get in wrestling matches over the last slice of cake and my brother is an honest to goodness actual hero. My grandmother is patient and kind as well as funny - and she still makes the best scalloped tatoes in the world.... they are all such wonderful people.

4. My sense of humour. This is definitely an important one. Without this I don't think I'd have survived the few years preceding this one. I was very nearly broken - in spirit - by what I found myself in the midst of. It was heart breaking and difficult every step of the way. My sense of humour - which I had to constantly struggle to keep in check - enabled me to continue on with a smile on my face the majority of the time - and helped me to remember that there was still laughter in the world. It helped me find myself when I was sure I was losing who I was. The ability to laugh and to remember that life is still out there even when you feel like you are slipping away - makes you want to get back there to that place you remember that you loved being - and I do love it! (I didn't mean to get that deep... I must be slightly intoxicated from the red wine that is still dripping down my chin...)

5. My current physical condition. Though it is a work in progress, I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised at what I have accomplished in the last few years - in particular the last year. Two kids.... and several pounds gained and lost... no easy task to fit back into pre baby jeans - but better - I actually fit into highschool clothes (that are hideous from a fashion standpoint... but you know - ya gotta love it). I can confidently say I am in better shape now than I was before kids - and still intend to go further. I like that I am in control of this particular aspect of my life. I love working out. Makes me feel fantastic... and the abs look hot too! LOL. Much of this was due to my determination and hard earned sweat (ew), but I cannot help but thank all of the people that encouraged me along the way. There were many times that I couldn't have kept going all on my own - or at least not to the level I have achieved. *hugs* ( I feel like I am accepting an academy award... lmao)

6. My health. I am so very lucky to be a healthy person. That in and of itself is a huge positive.

7. The future. From where I sit right now I am looking forward to the road ahead like I have never done before. Though there will be many struggles to overcome and many more difficult times ahead - I look forward to the journey and look forward to having the people in my life who will be along for the ride.

I tag thee Diva, Bobo, John, Glugster and Melanie (kat tagged you too, lol-oops). (and anyone else who would like to play...)


Anonymous said...

oh I love these!!!!! I think I will do this tomorrow! It will get me in a better mood! I have bee in the hospital since thursday night and go back monday for tests!!!!!

elizabeth said...

I hope you are alright, Kaylee! Can't wait to see your list!

Kat said...

High five you sexy mama!

elizabeth said...

High five right back chiquitta!

XXYXX said...

Awwww Elizabeth, thank you, I'm touched. Will get right on it.

You SO should be awarded an academy prize just for your acceptance speech. I'm thinking smiles and tears, yards of thank yous, glitter and tinsel, buckets of OhMyGod shock and surprise. You'd be a natural for it. The audience would go wild and everyone you ever knew who ever did anything remotely helpful would feel acknowledged.

You have an agent, right?

Anonymous said...

Ok. OK. I'll do mine some time this week.

elizabeth said...

bobo - you're hired!

glugster - perfect (don't sound so gosh darned excited... ;-))

Verdant Earl said...

Did mine already.

Do you mean we were supposed to seriously answer this meme?

Ooops! ;)

Jon said...

Way ahead of you Elizabeth :p

You are such a positive person, I should let more of you rub off on me.

elizabeth said...

Earl - high five!

John - laugh at everything. Makes it easier. Trust me on that one. Also - drink. Lots. ;-)